Efficient Motion Control ATEX Coating

The upgrade has resulted in the Coating Line being significantly more efficient and notably easier to operate

A coating machine installed in 1988 was facing increasing reliability and operational challenges due to its age. Key issues included:

  • Unpredictable Start-ups: The machine suffered from erratic start-ups, impacting the consistency of production
  • Frequent Recalibrations: Maintenance required regular recalibration of controls to maintain system reliability
  • Obsolete Motor Components: The DC ATEX-certified motors were no longer available on the market, and existing units were becoming increasingly unserviceable.
  • High Energy Losses in Transmission: High energy losses occurred due to inefficient PIV transmissions and aging gearboxes
Coating Machine Drive and Motion Upgrade


The customer needed a comprehensive solution to address the following:

  • Motor Obsolescence: Replace outdated motors to improve operational reliability and reduce unpredictable start-ups.
  • Improved Product Quality: Frequent poor coating quality, wrap-ups, and web breaks needed to be minimized.
  • Flexibility in Production: The upgraded system should be versatile enough to accommodate various products without requiring extensive reconfiguration.
  • Full PROFISAFE Integration: The machine was eqipped with a full PROFISAFE solution that incorporated safe speed monitoring. This improved operational safety and reducing risks during maintenance and production changes.
Siemens Sinamics S120 Drives in a Coating Application

Benefits: Following the upgrade, the machine achieved several substantial improvements, making it one of the most energy-efficient unit in the factory, even outperforming newer equipment. 

Key benefits included:
  1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency: The new servo motors and optimized drive system minimized energy waste, eliminating the need for ventilation or purging, which reduced fan energy consumption.
  2. Increased Production Speed: The upgraded machine operates at a higher production speed without compromising product quality, resulting in improved throughput.
  3. Reduced Mainternance Requirements: The new configuration eliminated the need for regular recalibration, easing the workload on maintenance staff.
  4. Improved Operator Satisfaction: Operators appreciated the simplified “one-touch” start functionality, which made operation straightforward and reduced the likelihood of errors.
  5. Minimized Product Losses: By eliminating web breaks and improving coating consistency, the machine reduced material waste and product rework.
This comprehensive machine upgrade resulted in a safer, more energy-efficient, and flexible production process, meeting the customer’s needs for reliability, flexibility, and operational efficiency. With improved equipment uptime, increased production speed, and lower energy costs, the customer has a future-proofed machine that supports long-term productivity and cost savings.
Optima are now in place to provide ongoing support and uprgades using our Remote Access system

Full Project Turnkey Solutions

We are pleased to offer turnkey solutions to our clients. Depending upon the client’s brief and the project scope we very often manage the full project, including mechanical engineering and electrical installation. We have select sub-contract companies with whom we work regularly. Alternatively, we will readily work with customer-nominated third parties.

Our project management skills and application experience are valuable assets in this discipline.

On any project the facilities that Optima Control Solutions Ltd. provide are:

  •   Produce a detailed line control specification document
  •   Produce high quality CAD drawings
  •   Manufacture and functionally test your control cubicles.
  •   Ship the cubicles to your site
  •   Installation of the control cubicles (optional)
  •   Commissioning of the line control system
  •   Issue a fully documented User Manual
  •   Maintain a record of your drawings
  •   Provide an expert support service
  •   Equipment Installation.

Need more information? Browse various projects here. Our industry-specific pages also provide details about the control system projects we have completed over the years.

Safety Scanner Issues and EN999

Optima were recently asked to advise on a safety guarding application for one of our customers. 

There had been a number of false trips of the laser scanner causing the machine to stop. A plastic chain ‘barrier’ had been fitted as a temporary measure with instructions to operators to not breach the barrier whilst the machine was running. 

The customer naturally wanted this rectifying as soon as possible. Optima carried out a service visit to site.

On the site visit, our engineer noted that the scanner was showing a code which indicated that the front screen required cleaning.

 Once the screen was cleaned thoroughly the scanner did not show any faults or errors and was in normal run mode.


Further checks on the original software were made to ensure the scanner configuration met the requirements of the safety guarding application. 

The diagrams to the left show the Warning Field configuration (Yellow) and the Protective Field (Red). Both of these were confirmed to be operational. 

The warning field causes the klaxon to operate but does nto stop the machine. The protective field causes an emergency stop of the machine.

We did find some concerns that needed addressing.

1. None of the scanner safety circuit had been documented on any drawings.

2. Non-compliance with EN999 ‘Safety of machinery. This defines the positioning of protective equipment in respect of approach speeds of parts of the human body’. It includes a formula to be used to calculate the distance from a hazard that a safety zone must be triggered. 

Based on the stopping times of the machine, the scanner was placed too close to the machine to be effective in an emergency.

We are working closedly with our customer to assist them with this application and help them achieve a safe and effective solution to this.

If you need any support with safety applications or other upgrades, please get in touch.. 

Parker SSD Microtach Replacements

Microtach encoders, manufactured by SSD Drives for many years offered reliable transmission of sensitive high-frequency information in an electrically noisy environment.

The technology used a combination of an incremental encoder disk combined with micro-electronics to facilitate the use of single fibre optic transmission of the encoder pulses.

This gave a huge advantage of being able to transmit a noise-free signal over considerable distances.

However, time moves on and the Microtach is no longer available. The fibre optic cable, sending and receiving optics also degrade over time, affecting system integrity and reliability.


Link Rack

Fortunately, Optima can upgrade your ageing Microtach units with a modern equivalent that has exactly the same mounting arrangement. We also supply a new coupling with every encoder.

We use our own proven high-quality multi-sheathed cable to give the same reliable signal quality for the wired encoder equivalent. Distances up to 100 metres have been achieved with no signal degradation.

For this, or any other LINK hardware or software support, just get in touch. With over 100 years of combined experience engineering (and for some, designing!) the Link hardware, we have a solution for your obsolete hardware.

Cloud-based data dashboards

If you want to see how your machine or process is operating day in day out from anywhere in the world, where do you start? 

An increasing number of companies are turning to remote cloud-based solutions for machine monitoring. Optima are pleased to offer our Cloud-based solution which keeps your automation hardware safely behind a secure firewall.

The video below shows a basic demonstration dashboard. If you would like to know more then please get in touch – we like to talk!

This video gives a very brief demonstration on how our Remote Access and Cloud Logging System can help you keep track of how your machine is performing. See when the machine is started, stopped, realise production metric data straight to your mobile, desktop or tablet.

We have been trialling our remote machine data dashboards #iot #industry4. These allow real-time data to be visualised from any PLC anywhere in the world to a PC, tablet or mobile ‘phone anywhere in the world! The system can communicate over 4G, Wi-Fi, or a direct Ethernet connection. From Kazakhstan (yes, we do have two units out there!) to Kendal (we haven’t got one there yet…), we have you covered for a very low monthly cost.
Our remote reporting dashboards which can send #production #reports by #email will shortly be ready for release.

With the increased risk of hacking of industrial devices becoming ever more prevalent Security Week – New Vulnerabilities Can Allow Hackers to Remotely Crash Siemens PLCs it’s not as simple as just hooking your PLC onto your local network.

Most of our clients prefer a SIM-card based system. The benefits of this system are that the equipment is always live whenever there is cellular reception available. Our range of antenna options mean that reception is possible even in the most remote locations.

For more information, please contact info@optimacs.com

Mark Lane.

Siemens Transform Event

Join Optima at the Siemens #Transform2022 Conference being held at the Manchester Central Convention Complex on 12th and 13th of July to explore how digitalisation of industry is being accelerated. For more information and to register for a complimentary space, see #Transform2022. Some of the key areas are:

  • Edge and Cloud Data computing for machine diagnostics
  • Improving plant operational efficiency and reducing energy consumption
  • Use of resilient forms of energyJoin Optima, your trusted Siemens Automation and Drives partner at this event. It is the largest event that Siemens have ever organised in the UK so it set to be an event that shouldn’t be missed!

Rockwell Extended Warranties

If you have recently upgraded your machine or purchased Rockwell Automation hardware from Optima, a simple registration process can protect your investment.

The benefits for your business include:

Registration is easy. Simply scan the QR Code on your product packaging to get started or use our registration portal to add your products manually. Once your registration is processed, you may enjoy an extended warranty, easy access to your products’ documentation and updates on the product lifecycle status.

Successfully registering your product can result in a warranty extension on top of our standard manufacturer warranty. 

Just one way that Optima can help you get the most from your upgrade.

S88 Solution Solves Obsolescence Issue

Addressing obsolescence is an issue facing many companies and failure to create a robust action plan can often lead to problems that not only affect the operation of a line or machine, but can also result in unfavourable issues that could have detrimental effects on quality levels and brands.

The dangers of obsolescence were identified early on at a leading British biscuit manufacturer in its mixing plant, where older hardware was not only showing its age in terms of performance and failures, but was also no longer part of a supported spares package. More information can be found here: Rockwell Automation Case Study

More information here:

Allen‑Bradley ControlLogix programmable automation controllers

EtherNet/IP device-level ring network topology

Batch servers

Rockwell Automation integrated-display computer running FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE)

Rockwell Software FactoryTalk Batch software solution

Up to 5 Years Warranty as Standard on our Motor and Drive Upgrades with Siemens

As a trusted Siemens Drive and Motion Partner, any machine upgrade that Optima engineer that uses Siemens Drives and Motors, Siemens will provide a 5 year warranty on the drive and 3 years on the motor/ motor gearbox Free of Charge. Optima can also extend this standard warranty further for you at preferential rates as a trusted partner of Siemens. See the below link for more information:


To be accepted as a Solution Partner of the “Drives & Motion” arm of Siemens, Optima must fulfill the following qualification criteria:

  • A proven track record of many years of experience in implementing projects in drive systems engineering using Siemens components
  • Qualified management our own projects, configuration and quality
  • Regular auditing of partner performance by Siemens Automation and Drives

Robot Programming Services


Optima don’t just supply our own turnkey Robot cell systems, we are also able to provide programming, consultancy and support. We are able to work with the following major robot manufacturers and have extensive experience on: ABB, Kuka, and Fanuc.

All of our previous robot projects are available on our dedicated YouTube channel. Here’s a few samples below:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTSaR84XyfA width=”186″ height=”105″